ASC DiSens® EQ-3211Accelerometer


Product Information

The triaxial ASC DiSens® EQ is every bit as accurate and sensitive as its analog predecessor, plus comes equipped with a high-end analog-to-digital converter and a digital data processing unit with USB interface as additional features.

For smooth analog-digital conversion, the built-in 80 Hz (-3 dB) Butterworth anti-aliasing filter resolves up to 21.5 effective number of bits (ENOB) at a default 500 Hz sampling frequency, a stand-out in the world of digital accelerometers. Beyond these integrated electronics, ASC DiSens® EQ-3211 accelerometers are based on quality MEMS technology with capacitive operation. In addition to their resolution of less than 1 µg, noise levels are ultra-low.

However, a standard USB interface makes this sensor truly convenient for anyone using a conventional laptop computer. It enables plug-and-play operation, including adjustment of all sensor configurations, external synchronization as well as retrieving and immediate processing of the measured data. 5 VDC power is supplied through the USB port, so that no additional peripherals are required.

The sensor features a reliable aluminum housing with protection class IP65 and is connected to a host (e. g. computer/notebook) using an integrated USB cable. Furthermore, there is a stereo audio jack input for external triggering and synchronization.

The ASC DiSens® EQ series features extremely high resolutions far superior to other analog sensors. With its ability to register amplitudes of a millionth of the earth’s gravitational acceleration, it is often used in seismological monitoring of sensitive structures including tunnels, bridges, dams, power plants, or other buildings that may be critically impacted by even the tiniest tectonic vibrations.


Inquiry: ASC DiSens® EQ-3211Accelerometer

Press: Köhler + Partner GmbH




Anzahl Achsen
Anzahl Achsen
Temperatur min - max
Temperatur min - max

ASC 4211LNAccelerometer

Uniaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±400 g
Noise density: 7 to 400 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz

ASC 5525MFAccelerometer

Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±200 g
Noise density: 10 to 680 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz