ASC AiSys® ECO 3321smart sensorsystem ASC AiSys®


Product Information

The smart sensor system ASC AiSys® ECO 3321 enables acquisition and analysis of accelerations. In addition, FIR and IIR filters as well as algorithms for extracting feature vectors are already preconfigured. The triaxial accelerometer of the sensor system is based on proven MEMS technology with a capacitive operating principle, offering a configurable measuring range between ±2 g and ±40 g and allows sampling rates of up to 4 kHz per sensitive direction. The integrated electronics enable the acquisition of accelerations with a resolution of 20 bits.

The smart sensor systems feature a lightweight, reliable aluminum housing with protection class IP67 and an integrated cable with configurable length as well as a standardized CAN bus interface including already assembled DSUB connector at the cable end.

The smart sensor systems ASC AiSys® ECO 3321 monitor the properties and behavior of components, vehicles, machines and infrastructures are used for condition monitoring in real time. Furthermore, those systems are ideally suited to merge historical and current data and using this to determine the future development of the critical parameters. Especially, these analyzes enable predictive maintenance solutions but are also used in digital twins which help to automate process flows and thus make them more efficient.


Inquiry: ASC AiSys® ECO 3321smart sensorsystem ASC AiSys®

Press: Köhler + Partner GmbH




Anzahl Achsen
Anzahl Achsen
Temperatur min - max
Temperatur min - max

ASC 4425MFAccelerometer

Uniaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±200 g
Noise density: 10 to 680 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz

ASC OS-325MF-PGAccelerometer

Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±200 g
Noise density: 10 to 680 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz