JAE Quartz Accelerometers

In Germany, Austria and Switzerland ASC GmbH is the authorized distributor of high performance servo balanced quartz accelerometers made by JAE.

Minimal measuring deviations due to quartz technology
The analog accelerometers are based on proven quartz technology from JAE. They are available with different measurement ranges from ±2 g to ±30 g and have a resolution of less than 1 µg. The accelerometers provide excellent long-term stability of the scale factor and the bias. Due to their outstanding properties they are used in numerous applications such as structural health monitoring, drilling and conveying systems, the automotive sector or inertial navigation systems in the aviation and aerospace industry.


JAE Quartz Accelerometers

Our product filter offers a fast and easy way for you to find the right sensor solution for your application.

Number of sensitive directions
Number of sensitive directions

Would you like a personal consultation or do you need more information?

Contact our team of engineers! We will be glad to help you – at no charge and no obligation.

E-mail: service[at]asc-sensors.de
Phone +49 8441 786547-0


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±4 g
Temperature range: -40 °C to +175 °C
Stability: Combined K1 and K0: 1.8 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±2 to ±8 g
Resolution: 1 µg
Temperature range: -20 °C to +70 °C

JA-5 Type III

Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±20 g
Temperature range: -54 °C to +96 °C
Stability: K1: 400 ppm | K0: 0.1 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±20 g
Temperature range: -55 °C to +96 °C
Stability: K1: 1200 ppm | K0: 1.5 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±4 g
Temperature range: -40 °C to +175 °C
Stability: Combined K1 and K0: 1.8 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±4 g
Temperature range: -20 °C to +190 °C
Stability: Combined K1 and K0: 1.8 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±4 g
Temperature range: 0 °C to +200 °C
Stability: Combined K1 and K0: 1.8 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±4 g
Temperature range: -40 °C to +150 °C
Stability: Combined K1 and K0: 1.8 mg


Uniaxial, Q-MEMS
Measurement range: ±30 g
Temperature range: -55 °C to +96 °C
Stability: K1: 1200 ppm | K0: 1.2 mg

You haven't found a suitable sensor?

ASC sensors are manufactured at our Pfaffenhofen location in Germany from the highest quality components and also individually developed according to customer requirements.


Press: Köhler + Partner GmbH




Inquiry: JAE Quartz Accelerometers

Anzahl Achsen
Anzahl Achsen
Temperatur min - max
Temperatur min - max

ASC 4221MF

Uniaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±200 g
Noise density: 10 to 680 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz


Uniaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±400 g
Noise density: 7 to 400 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz