

ASC’s team of engineers are glad to make their competence available to you in the design and implementation of development and research projects. We provide advice and support during the planning and operational project management phases.

If the functionality of a standard sensor is not sufficient for your needs, we will gladly develop a custom solution for you.

As the customer you are always up to date on the current stage of development

The first step is to jointly conduct a requirements analysis to define the requirements of the overall system. This includes not only the sensors, but also data communication and data analysis. In the design and development phase that follows, we apply an iterative approach, which results in close coordination with you throughout development. This ensures early detection of changes in the requirements and their integration in the development process. Our job involves implementation of numerous development steps, for both hardware and software!

ASC cooperates with you to develop a custom “smart sensor”

On the basis of many years of experience with cyber-physical systems (CPS), optimal technologies are selected and combined to create “smart sensors”. We give you an innovative sensor solution with firmware that allows you to easily integrate your own analysis algorithms, without having to reveal your company’s know-how.

Are you interested in a smart sensor solution?

We will develop it together with you.

E-Mail: service[at]
Phone: +49 8441 786547-0

Monday through Thursday from 08:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday from 08:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Feel free to contact us! We look forward to your inquiry.


Press: Köhler + Partner GmbH




Inquiry: Consulting

Anzahl Achsen
Anzahl Achsen
Temperatur min - max
Temperatur min - max

ASC 5411LN

Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±400 g
Noise density: 7 to 400 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz

ASC P101A15

Uniaxial, IEPE
Measurement range: ±50 to ±1000 g
Frequency range (±10 %): 0.3 Hz to 10 kHz
Scale factor: 5 mV/g to 100 mV/g