ASC DiSens® 271
Uniaxial, industrial grade
Measurement range: 75 °/s to 900 °/s
Bias stability: 12 °/h
Angular random walk: 0.2 °/√h
Integrated data processing
Our sensors of the DiSens® series convert analog input signals into digital output signals. They also provide standardized interfaces and minimize the external for external data acquisition devices. The high-quality signal of digital sensors from ASC make them ideal for undistrubed data transmission over long distances. They are used in the monitoring of bridges and buildings as well as industrial predictive maintenance applications.
Our product filter offers a fast and easy way for you to find the right sensor solution for your application.
Contact our team of engineers! We will be glad to help you – at no charge and no obligation.
E-mail: service[at]asc-sensors.de
Phone +49 8441 786547-0
Uniaxial, industrial grade
Measurement range: 75 °/s to 900 °/s
Bias stability: 12 °/h
Angular random walk: 0.2 °/√h
Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: Configurable ±2 to ±40 g
Noise density: 22.5 to 90 µg/√Hz
Output signal: USB, CAN, RS-232
Triaxial, capacitive
Standards: EN 50155
Measurement range: Configurable ±2 to ±8 g or ±10 to ±40 g
Noise density: <1.2 µg/√Hz
Output signal: CAN
Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±3 and ±5 g
Noise density: <1.2 µg/√Hz
Output signal: USB
Triaxial, MEMS
Measurement range: Configurable ±2 to ±8 g
Output signal: EtherCAT
Software: Including full-license Dewesoft X3
Uniaxial, fluidic
Measurement range: 360°
Output signal: Digital CAN/CANopen
Accuracy: < 0.15°
Acceleration: ±10 g
Angular rates: 400 °/s
Output signal: Digital | RS-232, RS-422
Acceleration: ±8 g
Angular rates: 300 °/s
Output signal: Digital | RS-232, CAN
Triaxial, capacitive
Measurement range: ±2 to ±400 g
Noise density: 7 to 400 µg/√Hz
Frequency range (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz
Triaxial, IEPE
Measurement range: ±50 to ±2000 g
Frequency range (±10 %): 1.0 Hz to 9 kHz
Scale factor: 2.5 mV/g to 100 mV/g